The top trending headlines from our quick check on Wednesday 6/5/2019
The top trending headlines from our quick check on Tuesday 6/4/2019
Headlines on Robert Mueller actually speaking about Russia investigation and 2016 election, Indy car pioneer Janet Guthrie as the subject of ESPN’s latest 30 for 30, and SpaceX raising over $1 billion through two funding rounds did not make the top ten this week per your interaction with our social media. Find out what stories did make the list for The Wrap-Up Show for the week ending 6/1/2019.
The top trending headlines from our quick check on Thursday 5/30/2019
The top trending headlines from our quick check on Wednesday 5/29/2019
These are the top maybe-not headlines from the past 72-hours presented by The Conversation Project from raw engagement data from our social media to the headlines posted over the weekend.
Headlines on Trayvon Martin’s mother running for office in Florida, Magic Johnson speaking out about why he left the Los Angeles Lakers, and offering up new features via thier app did not make the top ten this week per your interaction with our social media. Find out what stories did make the list for The Wrap-Up Show for the week ending 5/25/2019.